From the day I first read about the Pacific Crest Trail, I have yet to spend any part of my days (or nights) not thinking about this trail. I think about how it is going to impact my life, how it is going to change my outlook on the world, and my perspective on people.
What I have only just realized is that it (the PCT) has already changed my life and I have not even seen monument 1 yet! I spend as much time as I can find in my days to gather information, test gear, read reviews..etc..etc.. What I am trying to say is that even after I turn off the computer, come home from a day on the trail, eat and relax. I still cannot get the PCT out of my mind...It keeps me awake, sometimes for several hours into the wee hours of the morning.
If I were to tell you that there was ever another event, place, or theme that embraced my thoughts as the PCT has, I would be lying., Truth is, I cannot wait until April to set out on this adventure! twice a week, I go out to the mountains to hike. sometimes for 5 miles, other times 16 miles, or something in between. and even though I come off the trail exhausted, legs feeling like jello, feet aching, I come off the trail with a huge sense of personal accomplishment, as I never thought I would ever do anything remotely close to this in my life.
It may seem odd to you, the reader that anyone would want to put a 30lb (or more) pack on their back and walk 2600 miles. It feels insane to me, but I crave this experience...
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